firm foundation

美 [fɜːrm faʊnˈdeɪʃn]英 [fɜːm faʊnˈdeɪʃn]
  • 牢固的基础(或地基)
firm foundationfirm foundation
  1. The new scientific data obtained will a firm foundation for further studies on the necessary conditions for space flight .


  2. They give you a firm foundation upon which you can add more OO habits and build software that is easily maintained and extended .


  3. To lay a firm foundation for their further study .


  4. This early training gave her a very firm foundation .


  5. Their basic research capacity offers a firm foundation for applied research that partners trust .


  6. Lay a firm foundation and make effective follow-up policies for western ecological construction .


  7. Developing tourism has had a firm foundation because of the same recognition of most people .


  8. Thus , a perfect institutional environment is the firm foundation for the construction of social credit system .


  9. The built models establish a firm foundation for harmonic power flow algorithm to be realized in distribution systems .


  10. The Translational Action Theory builds a firm foundation for the study of scrambled translation .


  11. Therefore , developing information service industry forms a firm foundation for their achieving development by leaps and bounds .


  12. Its a manageable goal , and a firm foundation for beginners .


  13. Sticking to idea of overall development by making overall plans and take all factors in consideration to firm foundation ;


  14. A successful man is one who can build firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown to her


  15. Broadening the range of application of fine must be laid on the firm foundation of penal theory .


  16. The idea that metaphors are a firm foundation for user-interface design is misleading .


  17. , and the system improves the management efficiency and builds the firm foundation of Informationalization of the whole company .


  18. We have successfully established product marketing network adapted to market economy , which plays a firm foundation in the enterprise development .


  19. The development of a universal steelmaking and continuous casting scheduling system software platform can establish a firm foundation for application promotion .


  20. The prosperity of the commodity economy during this period laid the firm foundation of the formation of common culture of society .


  21. See how the IBM Rational tool suite and methods can help you to implement a firm foundation for governance and management .


  22. Further growth of the national economy has provided a firm foundation for the enlargement of employment and the improvement of social security .


  23. A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him .


  24. A firm foundation has been laid in this paper for further laser scattering testing onthe different particles in welding fume .


  25. Be diverse sex of the trading company product , lay the firm foundation in market compete vehemence for us .


  26. This dissertation takes the feasible approaches to achieve college students ' cultural consciousness and lay firm foundation of building a powerful country .


  27. Just as a house needs a firm foundation , the rootvg must be solid for the migration to be successful .


  28. The above-mentioned measures lay a firm foundation for the success of the test and can be referenced in the similar tests .


  29. Decades of development and rapid growth in computer capability have built up a firm foundation for FDTD technique to be applied to many practical problems .


  30. Finally , the paper compares this DCT IP core with some industry products , which gives our future work more experiences and firm foundation .
